利伯提基督中学 Liberty Christian Academy
Liberty Christian Academy
所属国家:美国 所在州省:弗吉尼亚州 建校时间:1967年
学校性质:私立 学生人群:男女合校 住宿方式:走读
学生人数:278 师生比例:1:25 开设年级:K-12年级年级
宗教信仰:基督教 SAT平均分:1476 托福要求:是
Liberty Christian School ACSI and SACS 认证,是弗吉尼亚州最大的私立基督教学 校。
Established in 1967 as Lynchburg Christian Academy the school developed as a ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church to provide Christian education to children in central Virginia. The Academy founded by Dr. Jerry Falwell became a fully accredited institution standing as a viable educational choice for parents who desired to have their children taught a Christian worldview from a Bible-d curriculum. Recognized as an accredited institution by the Commonwealth of Virginia regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and internationally accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International LCA has a recognized history of academic excellence.
Lynchburg Christian Academy was housed at the original Thomas Road Baptist Church location for 38 years. Upon completion of a new campus the school moved in August 2005 to its present site adjacent to Liberty University. With the move the school name was changed to Liberty Christian Academy to support Dr. Falwell’s dream that envisioned a total educational program under the Liberty banner for students from pre-school through a graduate university.
巴尔的摩华盛顿国际机场( BWI)