
文章来源:北京外国语留学预科 作者:Smile



北京外国语大学留学预科  http://www.beiwaiyuke.com16号9点15的美国签证面试,我前面三个F1都过了,签证官是6号,白人,男,戴眼镜,三十多岁的样子。
  me:good morning how are you doing today?
  vo:not bad how are you doing?
  me:i'm good its good to be here.
  vo:are you going to study in USA?
  me:Yes I'm going to College of Dupage for accounting major.
  vo:Have You have to America before?
  me:Yes with J1 visa.
  vo:For 5 months?
  me:No only 3 months.
  vo:What did you do there?
  me:I was in a cultural communication program called Au Pair the host family quit the program so I came back early.
  vo:How long will you stay in America?
  me:32 months.
  vo:What is the degree you will get after graduation?
  me:Associate Degree.
  vo:What will do after you finish your study?
  me:I will come back to China and continue working for my previous company.
  vo:If you want continue working then why do you want to spend 32 months for study?
  me:I want to get further development of my career and become more competitive.
  vo:Why do you want go to Chicago again since you already been there before?
  me:Last time when I was in America I plan to experience the American life and go to college for 6 credits and this college is very good some of my friends study there and they recommand me to apply too. (有点答非所问)
  vo 没有说话,一直在打字
  me:Do you need anything else?
  vo 没有理我,开始拿白条。
  me:excuse me sir is there any problem?
  大约一分钟后,vo说:我很抱歉 (用中文)

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