11月15日,上海铭远双语高级中学全体学生到上海欢乐谷进行了秋游活动。On November 15th all the students of our school went to Happy Valley in Shanghai for an autumn tour.
年轻就是要去做一些大胆的事情,当你老了,担心的多了,就越不敢去尝试新的东西。When people are young they have the courage to experience unknown things when you are old and worried you dare not try new things.
人的意志力是很强大的,如果能克服本能的恐惧,你会发现没有什么事情是你想办而办不到的。The willpower of a person is very powerful. If you can overcome the fear of instinct you will find that there is nothing that you can't do.
即使我们已经渐渐长大,依然需要找回童真的快乐。Even if we have grown up we still need to find the joy of childhood.
当你登上山顶,会发现目之所及,风光如此美好。在身体失去重心的一瞬间,死亡的恐惧铺面而来,尖叫和呐喊灌入耳中。经历过这样的体验,你会比以前更加勇敢。When you reach the summit you will find the scenery so beautiful. In the moment when the body loses its center of gravity you will feel the fear of death screaming and shouting into your ears. After having such an experience you will be more brave than before.
所有人都在要求我们变成熟,要我们表现得像个大人,但在今天我们却一起做回了无忧无虑的小孩。Everyone is asking us to be mature and they want us to behave like an adult but today we are children together free of worries and sadness.
朋友的陪伴给你无限的勇气,当紧握住朋友的手,你会发现原来害怕的事变得没那么可怕了。The companionship of a friend gives you unlimited courage. When you hold on to your friend's hand you will find that the things that were afraid are not so terrible.
当夜幕降临,华灯初上,白天的喧闹渐渐消失,我们也依依不舍地离开了这里。When the night fell the lights were lit and were luctantly left here as the daytime noise gradually disappeared.
2018.11.25日 下午 13:30
2018.12.23日 下午 13:30