新西兰的高等教育机构包括大学、理工学院、教育学院和部分可以由本校颁发学士学位的私立院校名单。 到目前为止,新西兰共有8所公立大学。这些大学开办一系列的标准学位课程,其中包括理科、文科和近年来兴起的商科和信息科学。
新西兰的高等教育机构包括大学、理工学院、教育学院和部分可以由本校颁发学士学位的私立院校名单。 到目前为止,新西兰共有8所公立大学。这些大学开办一系列的标准学位课程,其中包括理科、文科和近年来兴起的商科和信息科学。
1.Auckland University of Technology
2.Lincoln University
3.Massey University
4.The University of Auckland
5.The University of Waikato
6.University of Canterbury
7.University of Otago
8.Victoria University of Wellington
1.Auckland College of Education
2.Wellington College of Education
3.Christchurch College of Education
4.Dunedin College of Education
1.Auckland Institute of Studies at St Helens
2.International Pacific College New Zealand
3.New Zealand College of Chiropractic
4.Pacific International Hotel Management School
5.Te Kura Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School
6.Whitecliff College of Arts and Design
1.Aoraki Polytechnic (Timaru)
2.Bay of Plenty Polytechnic (Tauranga)
3.Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
4.Eastern Institute of Technology (Hawkes Bay)
5.Manukau Institute of Technology
6.Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology-Nelson Polytechnic
7.Northland Polytechnic
8.Otago Polytechnic
9.Southern Institute of Technology
10.Tai Poutini Polytechnic
11.Tairawhiti Polytechnic(Gisborne)
12.Telford Rural Polytechnic
13.UNITEC Institute of Technology