我的学术背景并不丰富,也不是非TOP20 PhD不念的人,我的工作经验让我对某些课题产生了浓厚的兴趣,这篇总结写给像我一样不牛的人,希望对那些工作多年后才知道自己真正要什么的高龄学子,能够有些参考价值。
Offer: Syracuse University,PhD in entrepreneurship
My Background:
GMAT 690
M.S. in Information Technology at RPI,GPA 3.3
M.S. in Physics at a non-US university,GPA 3.7
B.S. in Physics at a non-US university,GPA 2.3
我的申请总结 - PhD in Entrepreneurship
U of Washington (Technological Entrepreneurship),
RPI (Technological Entrepreneurship),
U of Calgary (Entrepreneurship & Innovation),
Syracuse U (Entrepreneurship),
Boston U. (Strategy),
GeorgiaTech (Strategic Management),
Drexel U (Strategic Management),
U of Rhode Island (Management),
U of Central Florida (Management)
Phone Interviews:
U of Calgary,U of Central Florida
On-site Interviews: Syracuse University,RPI
Rejection:GeorgiaTech,U of Washington,BU
Wait List: U of Central Florida,RPI